This group's date has passed and is no longer available.

Planes, Trains & Automobiles: Ages 2-3


Dates: July 10th – July 14th 2023

Time: 9:00am – 11:30am

Cost: $300

Location: Riverside

Ages: 2-3

Morning Snack provided

Tuition is $300 per session

The balance will be due approximately 30 days before the start of each week of camp.

Balances will be billed and can be paid through the BrightWheel App (students not previously enrolled in Basal Preschool will be provided with assistance in setting up an account!).

Each week of camp must have at least 8 registrants to run as scheduled.

*Full day slots will be offered until May 15th, at that point part-time openings may be offered, depending on availability.
**10% discount will be offered for multiple session registration

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